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Thema: Eminems "MOSH"

  1. #1
    Avatar von Isis
    Isis ist offline Mein Kind ist hochbegabt
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    Standard Eminems "MOSH"

    Ich finde es ja normalerweise doof, wenn Musiker sich in Politik einmischen und umgekehrt

    Aber was Eminem mit Mosh abgeliefert hat, finde ich grosse Klasse, Song, Video, Text, alles.

    Nur schade, dass er den Song jetzt erst auf den Markt schmeisst, aber was hätte es schon geändert....

    Im Clip gefällt mir besonders gut die Stelle des Fernsehausschnitts mit BIn Laden, bei dem die Kulisse umkippt denn das ist genau das, was ich denke.

    Schon jemand gesehen ?

    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America
    And to the Republic for which it stands
    One nation under God
    It feels so good to be back..]

    Scrutinize every word, memorize every line
    I spit it once, refuel, reenergize, and rewind
    I give sight to the blind, mind sight through the mind
    I excercise my right to express when I feel it's time
    It's just all in your mind, what you interpret it as
    I say to fight you take it as I’m gonna whip someone's ass
    If you don't understand don't even bother to ask
    A father who has grown up with a fatherless past
    Who has blown up now to rap phenomenon that has
    Or at least shows no difficulty multi task
    And juggling both, perhaps mastered his craft slash
    Entrepreneur who has held long too few more rap acts
    Who has had a few obstacles thrown his way through the last half
    Of his career typical manure moving past that
    Mister kiss his ass crack, he's a class act
    Rubber band man, yea he just snaps back

    Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
    As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
    Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
    Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
    Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
    Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
    We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
    We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

    To the people up top, on the side and the middle,
    Come together, let's all bomb and swamp just a little
    Just let it gradually build, from the front to the back
    All you can see is a sea of people, some white and some black
    Don't matter what color, all that matters is we gathered together
    To celebrate for the same cause, no matter the weather
    If it rains let it rain, yea the wetter the better
    They ain't gonna stop us, they can't, we're stronger now more then ever,
    They tell us no we say yea, they tell us stop we say go,
    Rebel with a rebel yell, raise hell we gonna let em know
    Stomp, push up, mush, **** Bush, until they bring our troops home come on just . . .

    Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
    As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
    Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
    Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
    Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
    Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
    We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
    We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors, come on

    Imagine it pouring, it's raining down on us,
    Mosh pits outside the oval office
    Someone's trying to tell us something, maybe this is God just saying
    we're responsible for this monster, this coward, that we have empowered
    This is Bin Laden, look at his head nodding,
    How could we allow something like this, Without pumping our fist
    Now this is our, final hour
    Let me be the voice, and your strength, and your choice
    Let me simplify the rhyme, just to amplify the noise
    Try to amplify the times it, and multiply it by six
    Teen million people are equal of this high pitch
    Maybe we can reach Al Quaida through my speech
    Let the President answer on high anarchy
    Strap him with AK-47, let him go
    Fight his own war, let him impress daddy that way
    No more blood for oil, we got our own battles to fight on our soil
    No more psychological warfare to trick us to think that we ain't loyal
    If we don't serve our own country we're patronizing a hero
    Look in his eyes, it's all lies, the stars and stripes
    They've been swiped, washed out and wiped,
    And Replaced with his own face, mosh now or die
    If I get sniped tonight you'll know why, because I told you to fight

    So come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness
    As I provide just enough spark, that we need to proceed
    Carry on, give me hope, give me strength,
    Come with me, and I won't stear you wrong
    Put your faith and your trust as I guide us through the fog
    Till the light, at the end, of the tunnel, we gonna fight,
    We gonna charge, we gonna stomp, we gonna march through the swamp
    We gonna mosh through the marsh, take us right through the doors

    [Eminem speaking angrily]
    And as we proceed, to mosh through this desert storm, in these closing statements,
    if they should argue, let us beg to differ, as we set aside our differences,
    and assemble our own army, to disarm this weapon of mass destruction
    that we call our president, for the present,
    and mosh for the future of our next generation,
    to speak and be heard, Mr. President, Mr. Senator
    Wir werden in Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gut machen können, was wir den Tieren angetan haben.
    Mark Twain

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Rhein -Main
    ich habe bisher nur darüber gelesen.
    ich denke es ist schade, dass der song so spät kam, in den usa, wo sich gerade junge menschen kaum für poliktik interessieren hätte es vielleicht doch was geändert, wenn ein so großer star so ein statement abgibt.
    läuft der auf mtv?

  3. #3
    Avatar von Isis
    Isis ist offline Mein Kind ist hochbegabt
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    Hallo apia,

    ja, der läuft jetzt wohl "on all stations".

    Und der Song hat sogar Moby & Eminem versöhnt

    Aber nun ja, das war seine Entscheidung. Im Rückblick auf die Wahl bleibt da irgendwie ein schaler Nachgeschmack für mich...
    Wir werden in Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gut machen können, was wir den Tieren angetan haben.
    Mark Twain

  4. #4
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    Ich glaube, de Bush-Wähler wissen noch nicht mal, wer oder was ein Eminem ist.
    Das, das, das...und das und das und das und das und das nehm ich auch.

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Rhein -Main
    ich glaube die kennen den besser als kerry, weil der nicht auf mtv kommt.

  6. #6
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    Ich hab das Video gestern gesehen und fand es echt klasse. Schade nur, dass es so spät kommt.
    Gut gemacht fand ich auch, dass sie ein Gebäude "stürmen" wollen und dann wird gezeigt, wie sich alle in die Wählerliste registrieren lassen "sign in to vote".

    Aber Em hat ja auch schon vorher Anti-Bush-Passagen in seinen Texten gehabt, nur hier ist es natürlich gleich ein ganzer Song und da er dafür bekannt ist in seinen Texten ziemlich ehrlich und direkt zu sein, denke ich, hätte es schon Einfluss auf den ein oder anderen Jugendlichen gehabt, vor allem evtl. auf die, die zum ersten Mal wählen durften.

    Tja, aber nu' ist zu spät und die Bush-Wähler lachen sich wohl ins Fäustchen

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