Two Los Angeles photographers are suing Cameron Diaz and Justin Timberlake for assault and battery. The snappers claim the pair attacked them as they tried to take pictures of them in the street outside a Los Angeles hotel last weekend.
Saul Lazo and Jose Gonzalez allege the couple taunted and threatened them before Diaz took Lazo's camera after beating him. The alleged attack was caught on camera by another snapper, who sold his pictures to American magazine Us Weekly.
Diaz later handed Lazo's camera over to police, insisting she only took it so she could find out who the snapper was. In a lawsuit filed on Friday, the photographers blast allegations from Diaz and Timberlake's publicists that they harassed the couple and jumped out of bushes on them in a bid to stir up an angry reaction. The snappers insist they did nothing to harass the couple and stood more than 10 feet away from them on public property the whole time. The photographers claim they suffered emotional distress and physical harm.