Eigentlich wollte ich mir diesen Film garnicht anschauen, ich bin weder Fan von Clint Eastwood noch von Hilary Swank und die Geschichte
"Armer Loser will unbedingt Boxer werden, alter Trainer will ihn erst nicht, Loser gibt nicht auf, dann wird er doch noch trainiert und natürlich erfolgreich und am Ende ist der Trainer sein bester Freund" ist ja auch nicht wirklich origininell, aber nach den ganzen Preisen habe ich mich etwas mehr informiert und zumindest das letzte Drittel des Films scheint schon anders zu sein als der übliche Boxerfilm...

(Wer das Ende nicht erfahren möchte, bitte den Rest nicht lesen)

Maggie turns her back and before she can reach her corner her opponent moves toward her while the referee isn't looking. She takes a deadly shot at the side of Maggie and sends her landing on her head on the corner stool, breaking her neck. Maggie suffers spinal neck injury that leaves her paralyzed for life.

Maggie is bed ridden for a long time and eventually has to have her leg amputated due to muscle atrophy and bed sores.

Later Frankie is awoken in the middle of the night. Maggie has bitten her tongue, hoping to bleed to death. The doctors save her and stitch her tongue back up. She rips the stitches out and tries it again. This time they cover her tongue so she can't get to it.

Frankie decides to fulfill her wishes and end her life. He walks into her room, unnoticed. He tells her what he's going to do and she can only smile. He removes her breathing tube and injects her with adrenaline. She dies instantly.