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Thema: Mac in Köln

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Standard Mac in Köln

    Hallo, ich bin ein Mädchen aus Belgien und ich gehe in einigen Wochen "shoppen" in Köln. Mein Deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, ich möchte gern in Englisch mehr schreiben
    So I'm going to Köln in a few weeks and I would love to hear some opinions about Mac there, I know there's a Mac-store and a Mac-counter in Douglas, which is best? Are the people who work there nice? Which collections will be out in February, or is it the same as in the US? And will they speak English, or should I practise talking about make up in German?
    I'd love to hear your opinions! Any other information about Köln is more than welcome!
    Danke schön, und es tut mir Leid dass mein Deutsch schlecht ist

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Hallo Eva121,

    herzlich Willkommen hier am Board!
    Leider kann ich dir zu den 2 Countern nichts sagen, weil ich sie nicht kenne, aber da findet sich sicher noch wer.

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    I can just tell you that there will be the Catherine Deneuve Icon collection with a nice selection of brushes, quads, lipsticks and so much more! And maybe Chromeglass with a nice rage of new formulated lipglosses!
    Usually collections are released two weeks after the US-release but this changed with the Lingerie release when Lingerie was available 2 days after the US release!
    Teil von Jenseits von Eden
    Zuständig für alles zum Thema "leckere Rezepte"

    If you want the rainbow, you've got to put up with the rain.

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Hi Eva,

    you can't compare the counters. Douglas has a smaller selection and they rarely have e/s refills. But usually they are very nice there and take their time to recommend products.

    Usually the MAC counter Ehrenstrasse is the first to carry new looks. Most of the time three shop assistants work there. I am not so sure about their recommendations. Sometimes I can't get rid of the feeling they always tell you everything looks beautiful on you.

    If you can manage visit both counters. But you have to go to MAC Ehrenstrasse because only there you can see and get the whole selection of MAC products.

    I don't know if they speak English, but they should. Cologne has so many English-speaking tourists.

    I don't know if you are interested in other beauty products. Very close to Douglas is the department store Galeria Kaufhof where you can buy Bobbi Brown and Benefit. Furthermore there is Apropos Mittelstrasse, they carry Kiehls, CSP and Stephane Marais and many more.

    Have fun in Cologne and let us know about your shopping experience.

    Close to MAC Ehrenstrasse is Parfümerie Möltgen located where you can purchase perfume and cosmetics usually 20% off the market price.

    Have fun!
    Liebe Grüße

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Thx girls!
    I'll probably just focus on Mac , because we don't have that over here so I have to buy everything I want (and can afford) on that day But I'll probably check out Benefit too, I've never seen their products irl.
    I'll definitely go to both counters, you can never see too much Mac
    Too bad there's no Stila in Germany though.
    Thx for the tips!

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