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Thema: The English thread

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Standard The English thread

    Hello everybody,

    lately I've felt the strong desire to speak (or at least write) English again. I have spent a year in the US and still I'm not satisfied with my vocabulary. So whoever wants to write here about whatever topic is welcome. I thought it'd be good for practice or at least to have fun.
    So the first topic we could discuss is: Do you believe in God? or Are you a religious person?
    Personally I have to say that I am neither religious nor do I belive in a certain God or something. Still I do believe there are certain powers or whatever you wanna call it and that there are unexplainable things between heaven and earth, still not a certain God.
    We might get more into it, even though this isn't supposed to be like a serious deep-in-the-topic discussion.

    You might think the idea or the topic is crazy? Fine, then just think of a new one. I thought I'd be fun talking to you in English.
    Thinking about this we could also have a French thread...

    Cya, Georg(e)

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Hello Georg and hello everybody else,

    great idea to start an english thread.
    I really dont care much about a french so I personally prefer the english thread. Am sure there are people out there who might wanna start a french thread.

    Unfortunately I am a bit brain dead right at this point to think further about God, religion etc. I do believe in what I would call a higher power. I have never been really that religious. Of course as a kid I would never criticize religion. It was part of the lessons I had. I never went to church that often too. I really dont go for the fact that people go to church only at Xmas. Why dont they go all year long then? Another think that really blows my mind is (like Milky Way already pointed it out) why would people start a war about religion? Very crazy and hard to understand. But that does not only refer to Islam having radical tendencies nowaday. Same goes for Christianity if we look back in history.

    In any case I will think about other topics.
    One could be: Did the internet change our lives and if so, how did it change?
    Could you live without the world wide wait?

    Til l8ter

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Hi Georg,

    I think this is a really nice ide. I'm sorry but my English is very bad - I know, but I'll do my very best to answer you

    Me, I believe in God.Or maybe I should better say: I think that there is something or someone bigger than we are able to imagine.

    Nevertheless, I will never understand people being able to make war because of their religion...

    (Hey, we should start a French thread, that would be more easy for me )

    Georg, can you correct all my faults or will this be too much work

    Many greetings from

    the STREET
    "Lass Dich nicht unterkriegen; sei frech, wild und wunderbar." (Astrid Lindgren)

  4. #4
    Registriert seit

    cool idea with this thread.
    I`ve lived 16 months in ireland and now since I`m back in Germany I`m losing my english more and more.

    I don`t really belive in god. I`ve been grown up in bavaria in I hated the religon lessons in school. I do belive in destiny and justness.

    Best Rgds,

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    What a great idea! Although I'm grateful for my job at the airport which makes me speak English 70 % of the time, I appreciate every other possibility to increase my speaking/writing skills. If anyone finds mistakes, please do correct me!
    Having said that, our topic happens to be my most favourite one. At the moment I'm very frustrated, though, because I feel like I've lost all my beliefs and like having to sort it out all over again.
    What I can say, at the moment, is that I do believe in some kind of God. But all the other constructs of ideas that I had have vanished, leaving me utterly confused. I hope that I find my way out of this mess!
    ~~omnia vincit amor, et nos cedamus amori~~

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    somewhere over the rainbow
    This is what I call a very nice idea. Unluckily I am completely out of practice. Since at least I can't speak french, the french thread would'nt interest me at all.

    Do I believe in God?
    Just a short time ago I would have said, yes of course I do. No doubt about it.

    I made quite clear before, that I am not a part of any church and any special believe. After reading parts of the bible recently, I honestly must say that our god of this bible seems not to be the god I do believe in. Funny enough. Yes. I knew that before, but I pushed it in the back of my mind, that I do not have to realise it.

    Few weeks ago I read an article with some philisophic content about this question and it was like an answer to some of my unanswered questions.
    So you find me quite in a situation of finding a new position.

    Our past thread about the pontiff and the reaction of some beauties because of my criticism, ending up in offending me, although made me thoughtfull.

    Do we need to wonder about the wars in the name of God/the different religions, when we are not even able to discuss this here, without offending other people.

  7. #7
    Registriert seit

    What a nice idea to start up an English thread which gives us the opportunity to practise our language skills a little bit ... besides, a French one would be highly welcome with me ...

    I was working as Personal Assistant with an American group for several years. Unluckly I do not use my language skills very often right now.

    Back to the topic: Yes, I do believe in God. I was raised in a catholic nuns' school for 9 years ... and of course I still feel the roots of my educational background. However, I am a protestant

    My religion and my faith in God gives my life a certain structure, trust and stability.

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
    oh gosh so out of practice, but ok...

    though raised by my grandparents who are quite religious (not in that annoying way but as a normal part of everydays life) i would say i am not a religious person.
    i do believe in being a good person! to me that means to be respectful against others especially elder people, to care for other people, to be tolerant and to say it with kant: to not do anything you would not like another person to do to you! (is that understandable?)

    i also have a high antipathy for anyone who is laying his whole life in the hand of god and let him do all the decisions. but as i am trying to be a good person i have to respect that!

    i also have a thesis about religion, which those highly religious people will hate to here, but if you belive it or not i think its an interesting point as well:

    to believe in god is the more easy way!
    to simply accept the fact there is no answer to the most relevant questions for mankind as "what`s the sense of that all" it takes quite more in my oppinion than to "blame" it all on gods plan.
    also our history showed that the church always tried to suppress people who were searching for answers others than those given by the church. intelligent people that didn`t accept those missable explanations the church gave were killed.

    but stop that. that is just an simple conversation thread

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
    Exactly. This is not supposed to be really philosophical and by the way I have to say that I hate thinking about questions, such as 'What's the sense of life?' or 'What is out there? Are we the only intellegent beings?' because you never get to an end. Whenever you start, you won't find an answer. So as long as nobody can answer one of this kind of questions, I don't wanna talk about it.
    Due to personal experiences in the states I know many people who are deepley religious and base their whole lives on God and living righteously etc. To me this is really weird and unfamiliar but since I am also trying to be a good person and be tolerant and stuff I had to accept it.
    I do not judge people on their religions or ***ual orientation or anything, because otherwise I'd just lose so much that makes life more diverse and gives it its distinctive variety. I couldn't be one of those people saying that Islamists are all extremists or Catholics are all conservatives because I have just gotten to know so many people from so many backgrounds that I had never expected them to have and who were like amazing and extremely kind.
    So I think judging others on their backgrounds instantly makes you lose the opportunity to enrich your own life.

    And the wierd thing about this topic is, that you can keep drifting of and you don't even recognise.
    We could also speak about something more easy.


  10. #10
    Registriert seit
    Basel, Schweiz
    Why don't you guys talk about the USA or some other english countries ? It doesn't have to be about politics, but maybe about personal experiences and so on ....
    "Die Frau ist das einzige Geschenk, das sich selbst verpackt."
    (Jean-Paul Belmondo)
    "Parfum verkündet die Ankunft einer Frau und verlängert ihren Abschied."
    (Coco Chanel)

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