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Bathed and Infused - The Lost, 30ml EdP Spray

"THE LOST: (Our interpretation of Luctor et Emergo by People of the Labyrinths) A #1 cult favorite, this complex creation is both haunting and ***y! The fragrance has incense notes touched by cherries, almonds, and precious woods. Our version is a little sweeter with a milder dry down. Lose yourself in this magical scent!"

Dawn Spencer Hurwitz (DSH) - The Silk Road, 30ml EdP Spray

"Mit diesem Duft sind Sie auf den Spuren des Orients und auf den Spuren der Seidenstraße.

Kopfnote: Bergamot, frische Zitrone und Rosenholz
Herznote: Schwarzer Tee, Kamelie, Rosenblüten, grüner Tee und Honigbienenwachs
Basisnote: Peru Balsam und Siam Benzoe"

Beides warme, herbstlich-winterliche Düfte