
hier die Duftbeschreibung:

"A mesmerizing incense blend that comes dangerously close to putting us into an actual trance. It conjures up a grand, stone-walled cathedral -- not dark, dank or gloomy, but a place of light, majesty and infinite calm. We can envision the dreamy tendrils of smoke rising through sunlight streaming in the stained glass windows and feel the reassuring warmth of wood and sun-warmed stone. Airy incense and resinous cistus intermingle with the deep, sweet earthiness of patchouli and vetiver, creating a fragrance that is both spiritual and grounded. Fans of Comme des Garcon’s Incense series (particularly Kyoto and Avignon) will want to try this, as well anyone who has been longing for an incense scent without gothic overtones. Warm and reassuring.

Cardinal notes
incense, cistus, grey amber, patchouli, vetiver"

Für mich als "Incense-Duftfan" hört sich das seeeeeeehr interessant an, zumal ich Kyoto und Avignon sehr gern mag.

Hat schon jemand schnuppern können?
