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Thema: ACHTUNG Hoffman's Shopper!!!

  1. #11
    Registriert seit
    Ich bin auch total erschüttert und habe dort bestellt, obwohl mir die 20 Cent suspekt vorkamen.

    Hier wohl noch ein Statement der Besitzerin in der Yahoo Group (Quelle: Beautyjunkies Hoffmans-Thread):

    For all of you who have been amazingly compassionate, I want to thank
    you all so much!

    I am keeping the candle shop open. It was never under
    investigation anyways. They just questioned my shipping policy, I
    told the investigators I had the shipping costs in my pricing. Yes I
    did eat some of the shipping on some of the smaller orders, but it
    all weighed out in the end. They understood that. But I feel it was
    still included in the prosecutions statements to shed more doubt on
    my mailing business.

    I closed my mailing business by my decision, not because of the case
    against me. It was becoming harder and harder to handle financially
    due to the fact that my mailing equipment had been taken for
    examination. That was my funding for most of my letter mail & I had
    to still pay on my pitney bowes account and pay for postage up front
    to keep the business running. So basically my cash flow died off,
    and financially it wasn't worth it anymore.

    Ladies I accepted a plea agreement, I can't state why. My attorney
    has advised against that. However I can say that the plea was drawn
    up by the prosecuter, that I couldn't challenge anything in it, that
    I had to accept their claim, which is what you read. If I did
    challenge, I was not entitled to the deal they offered up. I could
    have fought it, and who knows maybe even won. But the turmoil I
    would have placed my family in, the legal issues that would have drug
    out for years, wouldn't have been good for anyone. I can say that by
    accepting the horrible things they said about me and my business
    practice was very hard to stomach, but doing so will make it much
    easier on my children and family. To me that was a no brainer. My
    personal comfort or my children's life. I will rebuild my
    reputation, and won't have to rebuild my children's shattered lives.

    I have a wonderful attorney who is trying to work his magic at
    keeping me out of prison. What they posted, is the worst case
    sinario, and it sounds really really horrible. I am sorry for all
    the drama that has found it's way here due to this. I pray the judge
    does right for all parties involved, and that I have the strength to
    handle his decision.

    This has been a long old road for me. This made front page in my
    local paper, local tv news, the baltimore paper (which is the article
    you read) and all over the internet groups. I have many very
    supportive friends and family. The community I live in has been
    great, as they have all known me since birth, and know what type of
    person I am, and that you can't sum a person up by one event in their

    I had the hard chore of telling my children today, since it hit the
    papers. We were hoping to wait until the April Court date to do this,
    but felt it was better to address this now. It was the hardest thing
    I have ever had to do. When you have to tell your children that
    something mommie has done is now going to effect their lives in such
    a horrible fashion. And reguardless of my crime, or what you read in
    the paper, the truth here is, my biggest crime, is hurting my
    friends,associates, family and most of all my children. For that I
    will never forgive myself.

    I want to aplogize to you guys, as I have done with everyone else
    referenced above for any effect my actions have on your lives in any
    way. As I never wanted to hurt anyone. I am not doing this cause I
    have to or that I feel it will make me look better. I am doing this
    as I feel I need to. When you have people in your life, that care
    about you as much as I have found people in my life do, it is only
    the right thing to do.

    Once again, thank you all for your loyal support as my customers &
    friends. I thank god for the support daily. Sometimes a kind word
    means more than a million bucks, or in the prosectors words,
    $251,000.00. lol

    Thanks again and God Bless
    Viele Grüße von Mrs. Smith

    Nimm Dein Leben nicht so ernst, Du kommst sowieso nicht lebendig dabei raus

  2. #12
    Registriert seit
    Dazu fällt mir echt nichts mehr ein...
    ***No soy monedita de oro para gustarles a todos.***

  3. #13
    Registriert seit
    4,706 hätte den Text evtl vorher jemandem geben sollen, um die Fehler auszumerzen....macht keinen guten Eindruck.
    Viele Grüße, Kadesha !

  4. #14
    Registriert seit
    Was für eine Relation, wenns ums Geld geht.
    Ein Vergewaltiger oder Kinderschänder bekommt 1 Jahr auf Bewährung.
    Das ist echt nicht zu glauben.
    “These are used emotions. Time to trade them in. Memories were meant to fade, Lenny.”
    — Mace, Strange Days

  5. #15
    Registriert seit
    Original geschrieben von slayerette.
    Ich finde das echt so heftig, vor allen Dingen wenn man bedenkt das die Leute ja trotzdem den korrekten Shipping Preis bezahlt hätten.

    Meine Mädels, durch die ich das erfahren habe, haben zwar schon eine "neue" Tart Lieferantin ausfindig gemacht, aber sie berechnet das Shipping nach den offiziellen USPS Preisen, d.h. man weiss vorher nicht, wieviel man an Porto bezahlt, da sie einem die Rechnung separat zukommen lässt, nachdem sie das ausgerechnet hat. Dabei hat sie auch so viele tolle Tart Düfte *um Webseite rumschleich*

    Ui, ´wer ist denn die neue Tart-Lieferantin???

    LG Elke
    Liebe Grüße - Elke

  6. #16
    Registriert seit
    Mein Hoffmans-Paket kam heute an.

    Bestellt habe ich am 11.08. Ende November habe ich Julie Hoffmann angeschrieben, sie meinte, sie versendet dann nochmal. Und heute kam das Paket an. Ich stand ganz baff da. Versendet wurde es am 12.12.06 und der Zoll in Saarbrücken verflucht mich bestimmt heute noch wegen dem süsslichen Geruch den die Kerzen verbreiten.

    Ab jetzt begnüge ich mich dennoch mit dem Angebot von Rossmann oder dm, denn Duftkerzen aus USA ... sorry, das ist mir zuviel Globalisierung.

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