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Thema: Angelina will noch ein Kind adoptieren....

  1. #51
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    Original geschrieben von Cara

    Er war Busenfetischist, sie hat ihm die letzten Lebensjahre noch Spaß gebracht. Leistung gegen Leistung. Sie hat sich mMn das Geld verdient.
    Da mögen nun Moralapostel kommen und sagen, dass das dann fast wie Prostitution ist.
    Echt , der Alte war Brustfetischist ?

    Ich seh's auch so. DAS Geld hat sie sich wirklich verdient!

  2. #52
    Avatar von HopiStar
    HopiStar ist offline Queen of f***g everything
    Registriert seit
    Sehr possierlich einfach mal anzunehmen, daß ANS sich um ihren Sugar Daddy kümmern wollte/sollte und er im Gegenzug sein Vermögen springen lässt
    Im Grunde ist ein Diamant auch nur ein Stück Kohle, das die nötige Ausdauer hatte

    Das Leben sollte NICHT eine Reise ins Grab sein mit dem Ziel wohlbehalten und in einem attraktiven und gut erhaltenen Körper anzukommen, sondern eher seitwärts hineinzuschlittern, Chardonnay in einer Hand, Erdbeeren in der anderen. Den Körper total verbraucht und abgenutzt, und dabei jubelnd …WOW, was für ein Ritt...!

  3. #53
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    Hopi, was weiß ich denn schon von Anna N. und ihrem Gemahl .

    Naiv wie ich bin, gehe ich davon aus, dass er sie, für - was auch immer - in seinem Testament bedacht hat .

  4. #54
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    @suha: das ist ja eben das Problem, warum es jahrelang Prozesse gab: er hat sie nirgends schriftlich als Erbin eingetragen, aber sie wollte trotzdem die Kohle.
    Viele Grüße, Lilalucy

  5. #55
    Registriert seit
    somewhere over the rainbow
    Ich weiß ja nicht wie in USA die Gesetze sind, aber hier in D ist die Ehefrau natürlicherweise erbberechtigt.

  6. #56
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    natürlich ist das nicht ganz normal so viele kinder zu adoptieren, aber man muss es auch so sehen, das es diesen Kindern bei ihr sehr viel besser geht, wenn man überlegt, das sie in ihren Heimatländern unter der Armutsgrenze leben würden.

    das sie die kinder allerdings wegen ihres promibonus früher bekommt, und ein normaler so lange warten muss ist echt nicht fair. ich hab im TV gesehen, das eine familie ein kind nicht adoptieren durfte weil die frau zahnarzhelferin war und das ein zu schlecht bezahlter job wäre. Das ist richtig gemein, das wichtigste für das kind ist doch das es geliebt wird, oder?

  7. #57
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    Angelina über die Kinder und Brad

    RD: When we last met, you were a single mom with one son. You now have Brad and four kids. What happened?
    Jolie: I met this amazing person, and we realized we had very similar views on how we wanted to live our lives. It's happened quickly, with so many children. Yesterday, picking up the kids from school, Brad turned around in the car, and there were three of them. He couldn't stop laughing. We love them and are having a great time.

    RD: Was your pregnancy with Shiloh intentional?
    Jolie: It was. Before I met Brad, I always said I was happy never to have a child biologically. He told me he hadn't given up that thought. Then, a few months after Z came home, I saw Brad with her and Mad, and I realized how much he loved them, that a biological child would not in any way be a threat. So I said, "I want to try."

    RD: How did Pax come to adjust to you?
    Jolie: The first two days, he cried a lot. I hired a translator, and he would explain what was going on. The first night, I slept alone with him. I was expecting him to wake up and scream, but he woke and just stared at me. I handed him a stuffed animal, and we walked around the room pointing at things. By day three, he didn't want me to put him down. I think he got used to the reality that somebody loves you and that's what a mommy is.

    RD: How do you introduce a new child into this family without sibling rivalry?
    Jolie: We had a long talk with Mad about the fact that his brother is going to be scared and that Mommy is going to have to give him attention. And we've tried to figure out a lot of private time for each of them. When everybody goes to bed, we give Mad time. When everybody is at school, we give Shiloh time. In between, Z and Pax each get special time. And on Sundays we have a big family sleep, when the boys get in bed with us and we watch a movie. It started with Mad, then Pax, and now Z is desperate to move into the bed. We're talking about having to build a bigger bed!

    RD: How has Brad been with this?
    Jolie: He couldn't go with us to Vietnam to get Pax because he was working. But they got together very quickly. I think Pax, after seeing how much Zahara and Mad and Shi love Brad, understands that he's his daddy. Everybody seems to be safe in his arms. He makes everybody laugh. He helps everybody.

    RD: Do you want more children?
    Jolie: Yeah, yeah. More biological, more adopted.

    RD: Is it true that you adopted Pax so Maddox would have a brother who looked like him?
    Jolie: Something changed for me with Shiloh. We had Mad and Z, and neither looked like Mommy or Daddy. Then suddenly somebody in the house looked like Mommy and Daddy. It became clear to us that it might be important to have somebody around who is similar to the other children so they have a connection. Mad's been very excited that his brother is from Asia.

    RD: Who's the disciplinarian?
    Jolie: When it comes to the boys, it's Brad, and with the girls, it's me. It's not intentional, but Z can pretty much get anything she wants from her dad. Brad's like a strong father with the boys.

    RD: You lost your mother a few months ago. How are you coping?
    Jolie: I'm one of those people who walk around as if it's fine, and then suddenly I don't know why I'm crying over my breakfast. My mother was my best friend. I'm so grateful I had her as a mom. She had cancer for seven years, but she lived long enough to see my brother and I grow up to be quite happy. You almost get the feeling she held on until it was okay.

    RD: You like to do risky things like flying planes and riding motorcycles. Do you think more about your safety now that you have four kids?
    Jolie: I don't do drugs. I don't intentionally ride a motorcycle without a helmet. I will always be careful. But I live a bold life, and I'm a happy mother because of that. I think the bigger question is, Am I living the life that I want my kids to see? If something happened to me doing something I believed in, then I suppose that's the legacy I would leave as a mother.

    RD: Between your kids, your careers and your causes, how do you and Brad carve out quality time together?
    Jolie: Right now, that's our problem! We hang out. We try to talk over the swing set. We'll have a date night once everybody is settled.

    RD: How about a date weekend?
    Jolie: No. Especially now with Pax; he still gets scared if I'm gone more than a few hours. But we'll get them occupied with a movie and popcorn and try to run off and lock the door for a bit.

    RD: Do you and Brad ever have a conflict or a fight?
    Jolie: Not really. We'll get into issues about global events or something that was just on the news.

    RD: The gossip is unrelenting. You're fighting, you're jealous, he's going back to Jennifer. Does it get to you?
    Jolie: Our first question is what paper is it in. The New York Times? If not, do we really need to worry?

    RD: But at the Golden Globes, you seemed in a bad mood, and that was in The New York Times.
    Jolie: Yeah. And that was when my mother was about to die. Others have said we were getting married. We are people who want a good newspaper and television report, so when it's lies about us, it makes us wonder what else are they not double-checking.

    RD: So have you and Brad thought about getting married?
    Jolie: There's no big conspiracy behind our decision not to. We've both been married before. Our focus when we got together was family, and we are legally bound to our children. That really seems to be the most important thing.

    RD: You said you wanted a partner who would urge you to be better. Does Brad do that?
    Jolie: He encourages the right things. If I've had a full day and just really been a hands-on mom, he'll make a point to let me know that's something he's proud of. If I'm writing an Op-Ed, he's the first person to want to read the drafts. I could be dressed up in the ***iest outfit for a photo shoot, and by his behavior, he'll let me know that's nice, but it's nothing as ***y as when I'm home surrounded by the kids or reading books, educating myself. He slows me down to kind of get it right, to relax into the strength of my family and the love.
    Viele Grüße, Lilalucy

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