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Thema: Was sagt Paula zu Shiseido??

  1. #21
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    Original geschrieben von SiGuenther

    Und Paulas Grundannahme, dass man für seine Haut im Grunde nur zwei Dinge tun kann, nämlich Fett/Feuchtigkeitszufuhr und einen Lichtschutzfaktor, darüber hinaus aber dieses ganze Anti-Aging ziemlicher Quatsch ist - das glaube ich auch!

    das stimmt aber so nicht. Es gibt einige wenige Inhaltsstoffe, deren Anti-Aging-Wirkung nachgewiesen ist (Retin-A, Retinol, Antioxidantien wie Vitamin C). Und das schreibt Paula auch genau so.

    Also nichts mit Quatsch.

  2. #22
    Registriert seit
    ch habe Paulas buch da. Ist trotz allem noch jemand an ihrer Meinung zu Shiseido o. ä. interessiert?
    Lästern und lästern lassen:

  3. #23
    Registriert seit
    Paula sagt über shiseido generell folgendes:
    Shiseido is one of the largest cosmetic companies in Japan, and the founder wants consumers worldwide to know that the brand he began is meant for all who seek beauty. Oddly enough, Shiseido (pronounced “she-say-doe”), whose products have a distinctly Japanese appearance and appeal, began in 1872 as Japan’s first Western-style pharmacy. Its products have been sold in the United States for over 40 years, and it has become a nearly overwhelming product line. It now boasts about its “total approach to beauty and health,” so I was hoping the majority of products had seen some positive updates since I last reviewed this entire line. No such luck. Although there are some respectable products, Shiseido’s skin-care collection is far from a total approach to anything, unless your skin-care mantra is “it has to be average yet needlessly expensive and the routine has to include more products than any other line recommends.”
    A total approach to health and beauty would take into account all that has been learned to date about how skin functions, how it can repair itself, how it ages, and what it realistically takes for it to look, feel, and function at its best. Such an approach does not, however, involve cleansers with alkaline ingredients that cause skin to be unnecessarily dry, lackluster toners, or far too many products with alcohol; that can only harm the skin, which isn’t beautiful in the least.
    Shiseido doesn’t have the issue of sun protection down yet, as witness a few of their sunscreens that still lack sufficient UVA protection—even though they participate in Japan’s UVA-based PA rating system (explained in the Sun Products reviews below). And when it comes to state-of-the art essentials such as antioxidants, cell-communicating ingredients, and substances that reinforce the structure of healthy skin, Shiseido typically comes up short. You’ll hear (and read) much talk about the company’s exclusive technologies, but terms like Bio-Regenerine, Phyto-Capsule Emulsification, Optimal Balance Network, and Deacti-Complex are meaningless without significant, proven ingredients to support each technology’s alleged function. I’m sure they are intended to make the products seem more advanced and special to consumers, but the proof is in the ingredient lists, and very few of Shiseido’s lists fall under the category of impressive.
    If anything, the numerous skin-care options presented here are merely average or really disappointing. Many of the moisturizers have luscious textures, but again, it takes more than a sensational feel to create exceptional products that have your skin’s best interest (and best appearance) in mind.
    One point of difference with this line is that Shiseido insists on regular facial massage. That means you’ll find several facial massage creams, although most of them have traditional moisturizer formularies that differ little from what’s seen throughout the lineup. Shiseido maintains that routine facial massage creates firmer skin that’s less prone to sagging because the massage action tones the muscles, but that simply isn’t true. The muscles of the face are among the most frequently used. Repetitive muscle movements are a prime cause of expression lines around the eyes, mouth, and on the forehead. Botox has become such a popular procedure because it selectively prevents these muscles from working, which smoothes creases and lines. Massage alone cannot do that; if anything, routine facial massage can encourage lines and sagging by stretching the skin. Furthermore, when skin slackens and sags, it involves more than just the muscles. Sun damage plays a role in collagen and elastin destruction, as does gravity, which causes fat pads beneath the skin to slip. And then there’s bone loss, and the fact that, as we age, skin continues to grow (yet has less to hold on to). Massage to repair sun damage—give me a break!
    For more information about Shiseido, call (800) 906-7503 or visit

    Shiseido At-A-Glance
    Strengths: Most of the sunscreens provide sufficient UVA protection and present a variety of options, whether you’re looking for titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, or avobenzone; a handful of good (but not great) moisturizers; an excellent sunscreen for lips; worthwhile oil-blotting papers; every foundation with sunscreen provides sufficient UVA protection (and there are some wonderful foundations here); pressed powder with sunscreen for oily skin; the unique Hydro Powder Eye Shadow; Perfecting Lipstick is one of the best creamy lipsticks at the department store; mostly good mascaras; all of the Veil products are worth considering.
    Weaknesses: Expensive; several drying cleansers; boring toners; a few sunscreens offer insufficient UVA protection; no AHA or BHA products; no products to effectively manage acne; no reliable skin-lightening options despite a preponderance of products claiming to do just that; irritating self-tanners; gimmicky masks; jar packaging; uneven assortment of concealers (and some terrible colors); the eyeshadow quads; average to disappointing eye and brow shapers; average makeup brushes.

    Wenn jemand Infos zu einzelnen Produkten will, jederzeit.

  4. #24
    Registriert seit
    Paula hält ja gar nichts von Shiseido.
    Schlechte Inhaltsstoffe und total überteuert.

    Janne was sagt sie denn zu dem Revatilizer N aus der Bioperformance Serie? Das würde mich mal interessieren da ich ihn früher schon ca. 4 Mal hatte und auch zufrieden war.

  5. #25
    Registriert seit
    Leider kann ich das von dir genannte Produkt nicht finden, vielleicht gibt es das nicht mehr? es gibt eine revitalizer whitening cream und eine revitalizer cream.

  6. #26
    Registriert seit
    Basel, Schweiz
    Mich würde mal interessieren was sie zum Day Essential Moisturizer aus der The Skincare-Serie sagt Den liebe ich nämlich eigentlich (die Version für normale Haut). Bin jetzt aber etwas besorgt wegen dem miesen UVA-Schutz....
    Janne, hast du da Infos ?
    "Die Frau ist das einzige Geschenk, das sich selbst verpackt."
    (Jean-Paul Belmondo)
    "Parfum verkündet die Ankunft einer Frau und verlängert ihren Abschied."
    (Coco Chanel)

  7. #27
    Registriert seit
    Auch den konnte ich nicht finden - kann es sein, dass shiseido alles neu gemacht hat und Paula einfach die neuen Produkte noch gar nicht getestet hat? Sonst ist in beautypedia alles drin...

  8. #28
    Registriert seit

    Wer ist PAULA? Wo find ich die denn?

    LG Princess

  9. #29
    Registriert seit
    Paula Begoun verkauft paula´s choice,
    du findest sie unter oder unter oder (aber das ist nur USA).

  10. #30
    Registriert seit
    somewhere over the rainbow
    Who cares.

    Wenn Paula wenigstens selbst nur so tolle Inhaltsstoffe in ihren Sachen hätte und auf die gemeinen Inhaltsstoffe verzichten würde.
    Aber sie hat in ihren Produkten genau den gleichen Mist wie andere KK.

    Und sorry, ich finde diesen ganzen Sonnenschutz in Kosmetik total übertrieben. Wer sich schminkt, hat eh über die Foundation einen Sonnenschutz auf der Haut. Zudem ist mir titanium dioxide, zinc oxide als natürlicher Sonnenschutz sehr viel lieber als dieser fürchterliche chemische Sonnenschutz Methoxycinnamate, den auch sie verwendet, der nachweislich wie ein Hormon wirkt, unsere Umwelt massiv belastet und mittlerweile schon in Babysachen drinne ist.

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