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Thema: Carla Bruni seit 11 Jahren in Therapie ...

  1. #21
    Registriert seit
    Rhein -Main
    Zitat Zitat von Datura Beitrag anzeigen
    Wieso ist das heftig?
    Das ist halt ein Luxus, den sie sich gönnt. Dazu muß sie doch nicht krank sein. Die Einstellung zu Psychotherapie ist außerhalb Deutschlands eben anders.
    das denke ich auch.
    wenn sie dort über ihre gefühle und gedanken redet hilft es ihr vielleicht sie zu ordnen und sie fühlt sich hinterher besser.
    ist doch toll. jemand, der zuhört.

  2. #22
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    Näheres zu dem Interview von der dailymail webseite:

    Carla Bruni: I was driven to therapy after realising I was a love child

    Carla Bruni went into therapy after learning she was not the daughter of the man she believed to be her father, it emerged today.

    In a TV interview, France's First Lady, 41, revealed her real father was a toyboy classical guitarist who her mother had a six-year affair with.

    She only found out the truth when her mother Marisa revealed who her real father was as she struggled to deal with depression after the death in 1996 of Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, the man she thought was her father.

    Miss Bruni said: 'I had a life that was totally about action, completely outside of psychoanalysis until the age of 28.'

    She said when her mother, a former concert pianist, told her she was the result of a six-year affair with Maurizio Remmert, the then supermodel threw herself into psychotherapy 'body and soul'.

    Her initial experience in front of a psychoanalyst was one of 'vague boredom', but after finding a new one she felt 'incandescent'.

    Miss Bruni has now spent the last eight years in continual therapy, but refuses to lie down on her analyst's couch.
    She said: 'It's artificial for me. I feel like I'm in a farce.
    'For the last two years I've been face to face with my analyst. This more civilised situation helps me speak more freely.'

    Alberto Bruni Tedeschi, who was 81 when he died, moved his family from their home town of Turin, Italy, to Paris when Carla was a schoolgirl following threat from left-wing terrorists.

    Thanks largely to her 'father's' fortune she enjoyed a comfortable youth, becoming a model in her teens before embarking on affairs of her own with a long list of celebrities including Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton.

    She also went on to have a love child of her own - Aurelien, now nine - with the philosopher Raphael Enthoven, whose marriage she also broke up.

    Soon after admitting she was a 'tamer of men' who did not believe in monogamy, Miss Bruni married French President Nicolas Sarkozy last year after a whirlwind romance of just 80 days.

    Wedding guests at the Elysee Palace included her mother, now 77, and real father Mr Rammert, who is now 64 and based in Brazil.

    'The First Session', an hour-long documentary, features Miss Bruni and other celebrities including the fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld talking about their introduction to psychoanalysis.

    It will be broadcast on the France 3 channel on November 7.
    Viele Grüße, Lilalucy

  3. #23
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    Naja, wenn sie zur "Pschoanalyse" geht, ist es klar, dass das lange dauert.
    Das ist ja was ganz anderes als z.B eine Verhaltenstherapie.
    Pychoanalyse kann man wohl sein ganzes Leben lang machen, wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe...
    Man muss dem Leben immer einen Whisky voraus sein...

    „Ein Frosch ohne Humor ist nur ein kleiner grüner Haufen!“.

  4. #24
    Avatar von Babs
    Babs ist offline Hurra! Ach nee doch nicht
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    Das kann ich verstehen, dass sie deswegen zum Therapeuten geht. Wen würde sowas nicht aus der Bahn werfen?

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