Der Duft, ich hatte ihn Anfang Mai bestellt, sollte gemäß der Info aus den UK am 13.06. verschickt werden. Ich hab gestern mal angefragt, ob er unterwegs ist und um eine tracking no. gebeten.

Heute morgen bekam ich die folgende Antwort:

Thank you for your email.

We have been informed by Illuminum that the fragrance should arrive in our store this Friday now. We apologise for the extra small delay - we have been informed by Illuminum that they have had a small hiccup at the final bottling/boxing stage. They are an independent, artisan perfumery and making such a high volume of this exclusive, quality perfume is a difficult process. We are very sorry that you will have to wait a tiny bit longer - we are keeping our fingers crossed and waiting patiently!

We will then be working day and night to dispatch all orders as quickly as possible. We are sorry we have not been able to keep you as informed as we would have liked – we have been waiting for information from Illuminum and we will receiving regular updates from them.

Somit wird es noch etwas dauern bis er bei mir ist und die Abfüllungen dann an Euch rausgehen.

Danke für Euer Verständnis