Hallo PX-Lovers,

um unserem Leiden ein Ende zu machen, hab ich eine Bettel-Mail an PX über gloss.com geschrieben....und Antwort erhalten.

Gloss.com liefert zwar nicht, aber in Europa kann man telefonisch bei Harrod's in London bestellen. Ich stell euch die Antwort-Mail samt Telefonnummer mal hier ein.....

Hello and thank you for your inquiry about Prescriptives on Gloss.com.

Unfortunatley we do not ship Internationally and there is not a store in Germany at this time.

However the UK Harrods does ship.

Here is their phone number.
Harrod's, London 0044-207-730-1234

Again thank you for your inquiry to Ask Prescriptives on Gloss.com. If you should have any additional comments or questions, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Prescriptives Online Analyst