Hallo Britta,
mein Board-Name wird Dir nicht soviel sagen, da ich eher eine "lesendes" Board-Mitglied bin.
Nachdem ich Deine/Eure guten Meinungen über die Fantastic Finish Foundation gelesen habe, habe ich Ruthie nach Proben (Fantastic/Ultimate)gefragt.

ein Teil der Antwort lautet:
My chemist is making the Ultimate
formula in five colors including the lightest Alabaster which is not as
light as Bobbi Brown's color. So it would probably be perfect for you!
We expect to get some shipped to us in about a week or so. I can't give
a specific date because there are so many variables we can't control.
The best thing to do is to go to my website front page, click on the
mailin list icon, fill it out and that way, as the new products start to
arrive, we send out an email to everyone on the list and they all get to
email me back and ask for a free travel size tube of the product of
their choice. Anyone not on the mailing list has to pay $2.50 plus
shipping for these travel or "trial size" tubes.
Please let me know if you would like some, and if you could post this
onto the beauty board for me (translating it), that would help me so
much because it will clear up any misunderstandings and let everyone
know exactly what we are doing.

Meine Frage ist nun, hast Du diese Info schonmal ins Board gestellt, dann könnte ich mir die Übersetzung sparen (stecke zur Zeit in meiner Diplomarbeit). Anderenfalls würde ich es tun.

LG Perle