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Thema: J.Lo´s Schönheitsgeheimnisse

  1. #1
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    Standard J.Lo´s Schönheitsgeheimnisse

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    What is your Beauty routine?
    My Beauty routine is really basic. I don't have any crazy secrets, like sleeping upside down or whatever! I just try to care of myself, because it's so easy to get lazy, and not cleanse your skin and put moisturizer on before you go to bed, or use conditioner on your hair when you can.

    What is the first thing you do when you get up in the morning?
    I have a shower to get that fresh, clean feeling I love, and then I put on my moisturizer. I always use lots of moisturizer.

    How do you get that wonderful glow to your skin?
    I've always taken good care of my skin. I protect it from the sun and, because it is normal to dry, I try to keep it moisturized, especially when I'm flying. To get a natural, radiant look, I choose neutral shades of makeup for my lips and eyes - the more nude, the better.
    What products are always in your Beauty bag?
    I usually have lip gloss in there, and perfume, and mascara, and moisturizer. That's about it. Oh, and I love bronzer too.

    What product could you never be without?
    That would have to be moisturizer.

    How do you keep yourself in such great shape? Do you work out every day?
    No. I have a trainer in LA, and then recently I have started taking yoga classes. When I was younger, I was into hard physical exercise, but now what's more important to me is finding a balance of mind, body and spirit. I still do weights and cardio, but I try to take a soft, feminine approach. I'm definitely not fanatical. Basically, I'm just like anybody else, in that you have the body type you have, and you know what you have to do to get in top form, and you know how you are when you kind of slack off. I'm only human, and sometimes I feel like working out, and sometimes I don't, and sometimes I feel great about myself, and sometimes I think, "Oh God, I have work to do". It's just normal women's stuff.

    What about your diet?
    I try to watch what I eat. I know what's good for me, and I know what's bad for me, and I try to stay away from the bad things, but like anybody I indulge once in a while. If I'm trying to lose weight, I just cut carbohydrates from my diet.

    Is there anything you don't like about your body?
    I'm not mad about my ankles, which I think are too skinny, and also when I don't work out, I have an issue with my hip and thigh area, just like most women.

    Would you ever consider cosmetic surgery?
    I haven't ever had any, and I don't really see myself having any, but I'm not at that point yet, so I don't know. I don't know how I'll feel when I'm 50 - maybe I'll feel, "You've gotten a little too wrong, it's time to fix it". But I'm more of a natural person, and I believe in Beauty not being so much an outside physical thing as it is a mind and spirit thing. Luckily, I'm so used to seeing myself everywhere now that I no longer obsess about the way I look.

    What do you do to relax?
    I love spa treatments, massage and facials, though they're not something I get to do all the time. I also love to dance, to sleep, to do nothing, to be in the sun. I adore Miami - as soon as I get off the plane, my blood pressure instantly goes down, and I get into a whole different mood.

    Do you ever completely let yourself go - don't take your makeup off, let your nails chip...?
    I feel like I do that more now with how busy I am. When I was a little less busy, I would take care of myself more. I would go get my manicures, my facials, because I enjoy that stuff - I'm a really girlie girl. I love all that, but I just don't always have the time.

    What is the biggest Beauty mistake you ever made?
    I haven't ever gone too crazy. One time when I needed money, I went to a hair show, where they were looking for models with long hair. I had really long hair, and they paid me about $600, some amazing amount of money at that time, to cut my hair. And they did this crazy cut, which wasn't exactly a disaster, but my reaction was like "Oh my God!"

    What would you say to all the women in the world who desperately want to look like you, but aren't blessed with your genes?
    Beauty is only skin deep. I think what's really important is finding a balance of mind, body and spirit. Somebody said to me not too long ago, "Until you're twenty, you have the face you are born with, and after that you have the face you deserve", and I really loved that - the idea that you wear who you are on your face.

    What is your definition of Beauty?
    I'm basically a natural person, and I really believe that Beauty is something that comes from inside. Physical Beauty fades, and it's what comes through your eyes that makes you beautiful, that makes people look at you. You can see a woman who is 70 years old and still looks beautiful - it's something in her eyes and her spirit.

    What is your ultimate Beauty secret?
    I think it has to be sleep. I do try to get eight hours' sleep a night. With all the demands people make on me, I've had to learn to take care of myself. If you let people treat you like a machine, then they will. If I wasn't careful, I would be working 20 hours a day, including Sundays!
    Viele Grüße, Lilalucy

  2. #2
    Avatar von HopiStar
    HopiStar ist offline Queen of f***g everything
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    Wäre es nicht VIEL schöner, wenn sie Produktnamen genannt hätte `?

    Viele Grüße, Hopi
    Im Grunde ist ein Diamant auch nur ein Stück Kohle, das die nötige Ausdauer hatte

    Das Leben sollte NICHT eine Reise ins Grab sein mit dem Ziel wohlbehalten und in einem attraktiven und gut erhaltenen Körper anzukommen, sondern eher seitwärts hineinzuschlittern, Chardonnay in einer Hand, Erdbeeren in der anderen. Den Körper total verbraucht und abgenutzt, und dabei jubelnd …WOW, was für ein Ritt...!

  3. #3
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    .......that,s right

    Viele Grüße,


  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    Das hab ich auch gedacht. Weiß jemand vielleicht paar Sacen die sie benutzt?

  5. #5
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    Ich glaube, die nennt keine, weil sie in einiger Zeit selbst Kosmetik plant...
    Viele Grüße, Lilalucy

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