Hi Beauties,

meine Englisch-Kenntnisse sind seit der Schulzeit total eingerostet (schäm).
Kann mir jemand bei Brittas Badebomben-Rezept behilflich sein (nochmehr schäm)??? Ich weiss z.B. nicht, was corn starch ist (grübel).
Ich stelle mal den Text hier rein :

Dry Ingredients:

1 cup baking soda

1/2 cup citric acid*

1/2 cup corn starch
Sieve dry ingredients until you get a nice smooth blend. (Optional: add
1/3 cup epsom salts or coarse sea salt after sieving. This is
recommended if making bombs in a more humid area).

Wet Ingredients:

2 1/2 Tbsp sunflower or other light oil (I use sweet almond oil,
available at drug or health food stores)

3/4 Tbsp water (can substitute flower water, such as rosewater, or a
combination of rosewater and glycerin)

1/2 to 2 teaspoons essential oils or fragrance oils (depends on strength

of the oils)

1/4 tsp Vitamin E oil (optional but recommended-an antioxidant which
preserves the oils somewhat)

1/4 teaspoon borax (an emulsifier)

vegetable or other natural colourant (optional-a few drops of food
colouring works well)
Combine all the wet ingredients and borax in a jar. Cover tightly and
shake vigorously. Drizzle slowly onto the dry
ingredients and blend thoroughly. It should not fizz while you are
drizzling and mixing. If it does, slow down!

Pack tightly into moulds and slide out. They should release easily.
Allow to dry at least overnight.

This mixture is VERY dry and crumbly and has to be packed in the moulds
quite firmly to keep shape. If you add any
other ingredients (such as herbs, epsom salts or dried flowers) you may
need to add a bit more almond oil but try not to, because the mixture
has to be quite dry. Too much oil makes the bombs soggy and makes a mess

of your tub. I mix the liquids into the dry ingredients with my hands.
That way I can feel if I need to add more oil. The mixture should just
to hold together when pressed in your hand, like slightly moist fine
sand. Make sure it is well mixed.

Adding epsom salts adds a bit of shine to the bomb and also seems to
make the fizzing action more vigorous. It also seems to shorten the
drying time required. If you want to add coarse sea salts, I recommend
breaking it up a bit with a mortar and pestle or in a blender. The
grains should be about the same size as those of epsom salts.

This recipe makes about 4 60 mm round bombs. I use the clear plastic
two-part Christmas ornament balls; you can also get an 80 mm ball (these

incidentally are the same sizes as the Lush bombs). I find the 60 mm
bombs are all you need
for a nice bath, and I have a deep claw-foot tub. I have never needed to

oil the moulds beforehand when using these plastic moulds as long as
they are clean and dry.

I pack each side of the mould quickly, then throw some loose mixture on
top and squish the halves together HARD (the mould needn't fit together
completely; in fact it shouldn't, because then it is harder to get them
apart). DON'T twist the two halves, just PUSH them straight together and

smooth off any excess around the crease with your fingers. You can
unmould them after a very few minutes onto a baking sheet.
Unmould one side at a time, taking the top half of the mould off first
(you may need to tap the top gently once or twice), then turn the ball
over and remove the other side. Avoid the temptation to *twist* the top
of the mould, as this can easily
split the bomb. If the bomb splits or crumbles, empty out the mould
completely, crumble the mixture and start again. If the bombs crumble
and won't keep shape, add a tiny bit more oil (1/4 tsp or less). If you
have leftover mix you can either gather it in a jar or plastic spice
bag, or put it in a smaller mould (I use half of a Christmas heart
mould). The mixture shows detail very well; other people I have heard of

people making smaller bombs by pressing them into candy moulds.

Sometimes the bombs crack a little around the seam after a day or so;
just gently rub the crack with your (dry) fingers to smooth it. If you
have a bomb split after drying you can still use it at home, use it as a

demonstration, or crumble it up and use it as fizzing bath powder.

*Citric acid is sometimes available in drug stores but it's NOT cheap.
If you think you might like to make a few, or if you have a friend who
might want to try too, I suggest ordering a kilo or 5 kg pail from a
reputable soapmaking supply house.
DO NOT substitute ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as this makes the bombs

Re drying time: I let all of mine dry two or three days. I have heard it

suggested that one could speed up this process by baking the bombs for
2-3 hours at very low heat (no higher than 200 degrees F) but I haven't
found this necessary myself (the air in my house is quite dry) and I
imagine this would make the whole house smell of them for days, which
may not be your preference! However if you live in a humid location you
may need to try this.

Tausend Dank, Angelika

[Diese Nachricht wurde von Angelika am 02-07-2001 editiert.]