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By Karl Treacy
Fashion Wire Daily Paris - Upon meeting Victoire Gobin Daude it's obvious that she talks a lot about ***. Not the act itself per se, but rather the idea of ***ual and sensual love, the idea of something deeper that affects one's whole being. At the same time, Gobin Daude is talking about perfume.
To the Paris-based perfumer -- whose high-cheeked, translucent-skinned face seems to have been lifted direct from an aristocratic family in medieval times -- perfume is about more than just wearing a scent. And it's definitely about more than the millions spent on aggressive marketing and advertising campaigns. "Perfumes have to be worn by the skin; they should reveal your personal character," she stresses.

A "story of love," her obsessiveness about perfume and pride in her work means that even the slightest suggestion of a synthetic ingredient is almost an affront. "We use only first-rate natural ingredients," she states pointedly. All the better to preserve the sense of discreet "elitism" that that implies.

One half Canadian, Gobin Daude also lived in Switzerland, and also in Marrakech, where her mother was restoring a palace that had belonged to Paul Getty. It was there, surrounded by all the exotic scents of Morocco, that her love of perfume was kindled.

After attending college she spent most of her 20s working in Paris with Pierre Cardin, but a more spiritual calling drew her back to study Asian languages, martial arts and dance. In turn she explored her interest in shamanism and the traditional plant-based medicines of Tibet and Africa. That introduction to plants, their properties and the effects they create led back to perfumery.

Four years spent concentrating on perfume, studying and exploring, experimenting with natural scents, led to a final line-up of five perfumes that she launched last year. Their names, evocative of the memories and scents that inspired them, are as poetic as the ingredients they contain. Describing the motivation behind the creation of her "five little cocoons of happiness," Gobin Daude said, "I thought of plants that were a lot more exotic, more sensual with scents that knock you over if you pass them in the street."

"Jardins Ottomans," inspired by Marrakech, is rich with the scent of broom, patchouli and citrus from a North African garden. Likewise, "Nuit au Desert" samples notes of desert life such as the incredibly ancient pure perfume nard, hibiscus and agar wood, which is ceremonially burned by women living on the edge of the desert.

The most remarkable scent by far seems to have stepped out of another age entirely. "Biche dans l'Absinthe," inspired by a beautiful, shy hind wandering through a shaded wood, is a perfect example of the profound depths Gobin Daude is aiming for. Thick with the heady scents of wormwood, fresh hay, tobacco, cumin and everlasting flower (a very close relation of the so-called curry plant) this perfume in particular scents the skin with a lingering heavy, sweet spiciness.

"Biche dans l'Absinthe" has proved incredibly popular with customers in Brussels and New York, where the range is stocked in Takashimaya. Gobin Daude puts this down to the fact that creative people are more attracted to the personality of her distinctive scents.

Not just creative shoppers either, store buyers too. With zero promotion, the range has been picked up by 22 stores in six countries in the space of a year, from word-of-mouth and accidental discovery alone. First sold at the Tabula Rasa boutique in Paris, the range was chanced upon by a buyer for the Ateliers des Parfums in Galeries Lafayettes, and once in that department store, it was discovered by Takashimaya among others.

Gobin Daude is also delighted at the 40 percent male clientele her uni*** scents have attracted. But, she corrects, "They're not uni*** -- they're ***ual!"

Parfums Gobin Daude Tel: + gobin.daude@wanadoo.fr