Hi Ihr!

Ich hab grad wieder ein bissi bei diesem makeup411 gesurft und das hier über Keira Knightley gefunden:

Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean
Make-up by Ve Neill
Neill said she would like to take credit for making Keira look beautiful on camera but the truth is she didn't have to do much for this British babe. "Keira is really just a natural beauty with flawless skin."
Sunscreen - To protect skin from the sun, they tried out various sunscreens such as Dermalogica Solar Defense Booster, Peter Thomas Roth, Skinceuticals and DDF Therapeutic Skincare.
Concealer - Kryolan Dermacolor was used sparingly around the eyes and very rarely if she had any blemishes.
Eyes - Although it looks like she has eye makeup on, they are just natural shadows. Neill didn't put any color on eyes.
Lashes - Curled, no mascara
Cheeks and Lips - Benefit Benetint Lip Balm. Neill says she liked using the lip balm on the cheeks because of the creamy consistency and the natural color it gave to cheeks. However, most of the time she would just pinch Keira's cheeks before the camera started to roll.

So wenig Make-up und sie sieht wunderschön aus ... hach, hätten wir denn das nicht alle gerne??? [also ich schon ]