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Thema: The roots-seed

  1. #1
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    Standard The roots-seed

    Schon seit ich den Song kenne, liebe ich ihn.
    Die Sache ist bloß die, dass ich mich ständig frage, was die lyrics genau bedeuten.Mich fasziniert der Songtext irgendwie , aber so richtig verstehen tu ich ihn nicht , vor allem inwiefern das "wortwörtlich" ist oder interpretationsbedürftig.
    Kennt ihr den SOng und wisst ihr, was er wirklich aussagen will?

    lg, fille
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  2. #2
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    ich liebe das Lied auch und hab mir schon oft überlegt, was die damit sagen wollen....mhm....keine Ahnung

    für alle,die\'s nicht wissen:kawaii ist japanisch und bedeutet \"süß\" und das bin ich auch

  3. #3
    Avatar von Isis
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    auf den ersten Blick geht es wohl um ***

    Und ICH habe jetzt für mich das so verstanden, dass da ein Mensch besungen wird, der anders leben möchte als er kann / darf aber das ist jetzt echt Interpretationssache und es ist schon spät
    Wir werden in Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gut machen können, was wir den Tieren angetan haben.
    Mark Twain

  4. #4
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    Huhu, mittlerweile hab ich tatsächlich eine englische Seite gefunden, wo das auch einmal Diskussionsthema war.Echt interessant.
    Anscheinend liegt es nicht an der Verständlichkeit der Sprache, sondern an der Vieldeutigkeit.
    Gibt sehr viele Variationen, ist wohl Ansichtssache, welcher man folgt.*** liegt irgendwo auf der Hand, aber ich möchte das Lied nicht dadurch "verplumpen" lassen, wäre zu gewöhnlich.

    Schönen Abend noch
    Das, das, das...und das und das und das und das und das nehm ich auch.

  5. #5
    Avatar von Isis
    Isis ist offline Mein Kind ist hochbegabt
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    Och nö, fille, erzähl doch mal. Mich würde das jetzt auch interessieren
    Wir werden in Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gut machen können, was wir den Tieren angetan haben.
    Mark Twain

  6. #6
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    Hallo Isis- schau mal->

    Daraus hat mich das am meisten abgesprochen:

    "I think that all of you who are trying to state that this song is a satire of infidelity and the manner that consumers appear to idolize artists that are able to spread their seed from women to women are slightly wrong. I agree with you to a certain extent, that the song is teeming with visions of infidelity but I think it goes a lot deeper than that. The person who stated that the relationship articulated in the lyrics is the one between black men and their music. It is pretty obvious that rock n roll is not often associated with Blacks, it has been a musical artform that Whites have mostly dominated. However, when you listen to the song, it has deep rock n roll influences in it. I'm sure that Cody Chestnutt may have anticipated some anguish from his Black brothers, similar to those received by Jimi Hendrix and Lenny Kravitz, due to their desire to dabble in a musical genre that is not rap or hip hop, eventhough hip hop can be found within the 'roots' of the song. And it is because of this that he would call his child rock n roll, because it is one of the last names that a mother who is blinded by the glimmer of platinum and gold would want to name her child. And when's he's talking about wanting to 'fertilize another behind my lover's back' he saying that his lover, his love, is hip hop, it is neo soul. But that rock n roll also calls to him, and that he wants to be free to return that call every now and then. In the line 'sit and watch it grow standin' where I'm at' he is describing his discontent with watching rock n roll grow as an artform and not be able, or maybe hes too afraid, to take part in it. Perhaps all he wants to be is a 'gaddang rollin' stone,' and for everyone to accept his desire. I think that his ability to generate visions of his development of a new lyrical genre by means of *** and infidelity is beautiful. Im not sure how many of you are going to read this becuase I did write a lot, but there it is. Take it or leave it. Either way, 'You'll be keeping my legend alive.'


    "let's not be ignorant - there is nothing serious about this song. it's about infidelity, yes, but if you know anything about the roots and their music you know it's not to be taken literally. maybe they're mocking people who think they need to 'spread their seed,' maybe it's social commentary, i don't know. but it's definately not endorsing infidelity. if you know the roots' music and the quality of their lyrics, you would now they couldnt be serious. here are a few examples of the lyrics in the song: 'i push my seed in her bush for life, it's going to work because i'm pushing it right.' 'i know how to still fertilize another against my lovers' will. i lick the competition cause she dont take no pill. you'll be keeping my legend alive.' 'i push my seed somewhere deep in her chest. i push it naked cause i'm taking my test. deliver it mary, it dont matter the ***, i'm gonna name it rock and roll.' if you think that roots want you to take these words for their literal meaning then you need to develop some analytical skills, urgently, and to learn a little more about the artists you listen to"

    Ich muss da drüber jetzt aber noch schlafen
    Das, das, das...und das und das und das und das und das nehm ich auch.

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