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Scott Peterson's Trial for the Murders of Laci and Conner Peterson
Dateline: June 1, 2004
This morning, in Redwood City, California, 31-year-old Scott Peterson faces trial for the murders of his wife, 27-year-old Laci Peterson, and their unborn child, Conner. Because this is being prosecuted as a double murder, Scott faces the death penalty if convicted: Under California law, a separate penalty phase trial (with the same jury) would follow the conviction and, if the jury recommends death, the judge would have the option (rarely used) of overturning the sentence and sentencing him to life in prison without possibility of parole. In practical terms, at the rate Death Row inmates are put to death in California, it could take several hundred years before Scott faces execution.

Und dieser Scott Peterson wurde wohl schon oft verwechselt mit:

Krass, mit so jemandem verglichen oder sogar verwechselt zu werden auch wenn es nur äußerlich ist.