... ist mir vorhin beim Shopping ins Koerbchen gehuepft (ja, es geht doch nix ueber ein bissl sunday shopping ). Leider weiss ich ja nun eigentlich so gar nix darueber, aber die Beschreibung klang so toll, da konnte ich nicht widerstehen

Also meine Frage, kennt das jemand?

"The Sugar hydrating derivative works as a moisture magnet under low humidity conditions, complementing the action of the basic provitamin B5-vitamin F-Shea butter moisturising system.

Vitamins A and C demonstrate significant repairing activity to fine lines and skin colour disorders, while in combination with vitamin E, they shield the skin from internal and external ageing factors. The Ginseng active extract improves skin tonicity and firmness, revealing a glowing complexion.

Contains: Vitamins A, E, C, F, provitamin B5, Sugar-based moisturising agent, Sucrose emulsifiers, Shea butter, Ginseng active extract."

