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Thema: @Englisch-Profis

  1. #1
    Registriert seit
    bei München

    Standard @Englisch-Profis

    Ich bräuchte bitte mal kurz Englischnachhilfe. Es geht um das Wort "plight". Was genau heißt das, bzw. was wird damit alles bezeichnet? Das ist doch einerseits die Verlobung, andererseits beschreibt es eine Zwangslage bzw. eine Misere.


  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Also ich kenne nur affiance für Verlobung, hilft dir das?
    Oder hast du einen Satz in dem das Wort vorkommt?
    [RIGHT] sind nicht die momente in denen du atmest - es sind die momente, die dir den atem rauben..


  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Ohne Zusammenhang können wir da schlecht weiterhelfen, da es ja in der Tat mehrere Bedeutungen gibt. Guckst Du hier:

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    bei München
    Zitat Zitat von Chiquitita Beitrag anzeigen
    Ohne Zusammenhang können wir da schlecht weiterhelfen, da es ja in der Tat mehrere Bedeutungen gibt. Guckst Du hier:
    Ja, auf der Seite hatte ich eben geguckt. Ich kann mir nur kaum vorstellen, daß Verlöbnis im Englischen auch Misere bedeutet, also einen endgültig negativen Zustand beschreibt. Heißt das nicht eher sowas wie "unsichere Lage", "auf der Kippe" "bevors losgeht" (->Hochzeit).
    Also kann ich mit dem Wort plight einen endgültig negativen Zustand beschreiben, oder ist plight immer ein veränderbarer Zustand, sowas wie "gerade in der Klemme sein"?

  5. #5
    Registriert seit
    Schreib doch mal den Satz in dem du es verwenden möchtest
    The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.

  6. #6
    Registriert seit
    to plight kann auch sich verloben heissen. Aber das ist nicht so geläufig. Plight als Verlobung kenne ich nicht, mein Kollege (Amerikaner) auch nicht. Es kann auch Versprechen oder Gelöbnis heissen. Also genau das Gegenteil von Unsicherheit. Daher dann der Zusammenhang mit Verlobung.
    "Nicht die Schönheit entscheidet, wen wir lieben, die Liebe entscheidet, wen wir schön finden."
    Sophia Loren

    Ay ay ay ay, canta y no llores.

    „El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz“
    Benito Juárez

  7. #7
    Registriert seit
    Meinst du abgeleitet von to pledge @bird ?
    The clock is running. Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.

  8. #8
    Registriert seit
    Der ganze Begriff mit allen seinen Bedeutungen scheint laut Oxford Dictionary eher veraltet zu sein.

    Heute am ehesten wohl in folgender Bedeutung genutzt:

    "1. a. In negative sense: an unfortunate condition or state.
    Now the usual sense. In early use often with modifying word, as evil, sorry, woeful, but in modern usage almost always having negative connotations even without modifier."

  9. #9
    Registriert seit
    Wie abgeleitet?
    "Nicht die Schönheit entscheidet, wen wir lieben, die Liebe entscheidet, wen wir schön finden."
    Sophia Loren

    Ay ay ay ay, canta y no llores.

    „El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz“
    Benito Juárez

  10. #10
    Registriert seit
    [Anglo-Norman plit, plist, pleit, pleite, plite, plyte situation, condition, state (13th cent. or earlier), legal status (14th cent. or earlier), apparently a merger of pleit PLAIT n. and pleit PLEA n.; compare PLY n.
    The forms are probably partly by analogy with PLIGHT n.1 (see forms and discussion at that entry), which shows a similar range of spellings in the Middle English period, and with which this word may have been associated semantically (‘peril, danger or risk’ (see PLIGHT n.1 1) being ‘an unfortunate condition or state’: see sense 1a). They may, however, also have arisen in part by analogy with other words in -ight (as e.g. NIGHT n., MIGHT n.1, etc.).]

    1. a. In negative sense: an unfortunate condition or state.
    Now the usual sense. In early use often with modifying word, as evil, sorry, woeful, but in modern usage almost always having negative connotations even without modifier.

    c1300 Body & Soul (Laud Misc. 108) (1889) 57 Yt [sc. the body] was in a sori pleyt [v.rr. playd, playt], Reuliche toyled to and fro. c1400 (?c1390) Sir Gawain & Green Knight (1940) l. 733 In peryl & payne & plytes ful harde. a1470 MALORY Morte Darthur (Winch. Coll.) 171 She shall be in as evylle plyte as he is. a1500 Rev. Methodius in Publ. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer. (1918) 33 176 e werd stode in herd forsoke cryste, meche & lyte. 1508 R. HENRYSON Orpheus & Eurydice (Chepman & Myllar) 201 in Poems (1981) 138 Quhen he saw his..sone Orpheus In sik a plyte, it changit all his chere.
    c1400 (?c1380) Pearl 1075 e planetez arn in to pouer a plyt. 1490 CAXTON tr. Eneydos l. 142 Turnus..knewe well thenne that he was deceyued,..sore an-angred he was, whan he founde hym selfe in that plyght. a1500 Generides (Trin. Cambr.) 3853 Ser Yuell sawe in what plight that she was. c1595 C'TESS OF PEMBROKE Psalme cvii. 17 in Coll. Wks. (1998) II. 170 They cri'd to him in woefull plight. 1632 J. HAYWARD tr. G. F. Biondi Eromena 56 We cannot be in worse plight than we are. 1664 S. BUTLER Hudibras II. i. 4 We forget in what sad plight We whilom left the Captiv'd Knight. 1724 R. WELTON Substance Christian Faith 454 They saw so great a man in so forlorne a plight. 1799 R. SOUTHEY Eng. Eclogues in Poet. Wks. III. 68 Bruin-Bear! Now could I sonnetize thy piteous plight. 1849 DICKENS David Copperfield (1850) xviii. 189, I am taken home in a sad plight, and I have beef-steaks put to my eyes. 1863 P. BARRY Dockyard Econ. 23 Dockyard administration is in a sorry and almost hopeless plight. 1940 War Illustr. 16 Feb. 107 Pitiable in the extreme is the plight of the Jews in Poland under Nazi rule. 1992 D. MORGAN Rising in West II. v. 87 Oca was too busy to dwell on the plight of the poor migrants and farm workers he traded with. 2003 N.Y. Times (National ed.) 3 Aug. IV. 1/1 Paralyzed, unable to speak, losing the ability to swallow and yet totally aware of her plight.

    b. With neutral or positive sense. Now rare.

    c1390 CHAUCER Parson's Tale 762 Do right so with thy cherl as thow woldest that thy lord dide with thee if thow were in his plit. c1395 CHAUCER Canon's Yeoman's Tale 952, I wol fonde To brynge oure craft al in another plite. c1400 (?c1380) Cleanness 111 Wyth peple of alle plytez e palays ay fyllen. 1570 P. LEVENS Manipulus Vocabulorum sig. Miv/2, Plite, plight, habitudo.
    a1375 William of Palerne 5373 e hie king ou us ha holpe & pult ou to is plit fram pouert. ?a1475 Ludus Coventriae 37 kepe in such A plyght..I to affendyn hym day nor nyght. 1534 T. MORE Treat. Passion in Wks. 1288/2 And [to] lyue here in suche pleasaunt plight as we shuld have lyued if Adam had not synned. 1566 tr. Delectable Demaundes 4 Loue is a certeine estate and plight that doeth wrappe and folde the minde of man. 1607 M. DRAYTON Legend Cromwel 10 Being in so excellent a plight. 1652-62 P. HEYLYN Cosmogr. (1682) I. 269 The Town remaining in as good plight..for Trade and Buildings, as most Towns do which want a navigable River. 1730 in J. Copywell Shrubs Parnassus (1760) 130 Old Chaucer and Drayton I found in good plight, And Shakespear and Spencer appear pretty tight. 1768 W. BLACKSTONE Comm. Laws Eng. III. i. 9 Nothing shall be distreined for rent, which may not be rendered again in as good plight as when it was distreined. 1839 F. A. KEMBLE Jrnl. Resid. Georgian Plantation (1863) 155 It is a happy and hopeful plight for us both. 1851 ‘L. MARIOTTI’ Italy 251 Not in the best plight or order. 1894 J. H. WYLIE Hist. Eng. Hen. IV II. lv. 283 The Queen..being..bound under writ of waste to keep the estates in as good plight as she received them. ?1922 A. E. HOUSMAN Let. (1971) 208 From the election of 1905 he [sc. Joseph Chamberlain] came back in much better plight than Balfour. 1992 J. C. PHILLIPS & J. O'DONOVAN Mod. Contract of Guarantee 547 The guarantor who [acquires securities from a creditor is] under a duty to preserve them in the same plight and condition as they were when they were handed over to him.

    c. A manner, fashion, or way. Obs. rare.

    a1393 GOWER Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) I. 1663 In such a plit Florent of his answere is quit. a1475 J. RUSSELL Bk. Nurture 434 in F. J. Furnivall Early Eng. Meals & Manners (1931) 28 Pecok, Stork, Bustarde, & Shovellewre, ye must vnlace em in e plite of e crane. 1581 J. BELL tr. W. Haddon & J. Foxe Against Jerome Osorius 8 b, We deny all, in the same plight as you have set them downe.

    2. a. Bodily or physical condition; state of health. Obs.
    In later use chiefly with reference to women or livestock.

    a1393 GOWER Confessio Amantis (Fairf.) IV. 1347 Thus was the hors in sori plit. c1395 CHAUCER Merchant's Tale 2335 A womman in my plit May han to fruyt so gret an appetit That she may dyen. a1425 EDWARD, DUKE OF YORK Master of Game (Digby) xii, Also e scabbe cometh to hem, for to hye plyet, when ei abyde in her kenel to longe and goth not on huntynge. 1551 W. TURNER New Herball I. K iij, Blake Ciche..taken wyth beanes..maketh a good plyte and fatt fleshe. 1586 A. DAY Eng. Secretorie I. sig. P2v, The woman also in verie good plight too. a1649 J. WINTHROP Hist. New Eng. (1853) I. 37 Some horses came over in good plight. 1712 J. NORRIS Profitable Advice for Rich & Poor 50 A sort of short Cane growing plentifullyd..on which Cattle delight much to Feed; and where that is plentiful, Cattle keeps themselves in very good plight. 1792 W. COWPER Let. 29 July (1984) IV. 161 in pretty good plight this morning, having slept well. 1855 H. MARTINEAU Autobiogr. II. 35 Another of our neighbours admitted the fine plight of my cows.

    b. In elliptical use (with good, etc., implied): good or proper physical condition, good health. Obs.

    1393 in J. Raine Testamenta Eboracensia (1836) I. 186, I will that thay..kepe it in the plyte that it es in now. ?c1450 Life St. Cuthbert (1891) 3823 ai wald not bring e childe in plyte [i.e. to health]. 1532 (c1385) Usk's Test. Loue in Wks. G. Chaucer II. f. cccxliiiiv, There is euer action of blysse..contynuel plyte without ceasynge. 1580 T. TUSSER Fiue Hundred Pointes Good Husb. (new ed.) f. 36, Use cattle aright, to keepe them in plight. 1704 SWIFT Tale of Tub xi. 194 When a Traveller and his Horse are in Heart and Plight. 1760-72 H. BROOKE Fool of Quality (1809) III. 84 [Of a ship] Though she had been in plight, we had not hands left sufficient to work her. 1866 C. C. FELTON Greece, Anc. & Mod. I. I. vii. 119 [Of a dog] His strength, his plight, his speed so light, You had with wonder viewed.

    3. A state of mind (esp. to do something); a mood or demeanour. Obs.

    [1376-9 GOWER Mirour de l'omme 10661 Comment q'il plourt, comment q'il rit, Toutdis se tient en un soul plit.] a1535 T. MORE Hist. Richard III in Wks. (1557) 50/1 Thinketh he that I would sende hym hence, which neyther is in ye plight to sende out? c1540 (?a1400) Gest Historiale Destr. Troy 545 [To] put you in plite your purpos to wyn. 1568 Bann. MS 226 b/13 For febill plyt it cuth I nyt hir neuir. 1645 MILTON Il Penseroso in Poems 39 'Less Philomel will daign a Song, I[n] her sweetest, saddest plight. 1726 G. SHELVOCKE Voy. round World 27 He coming in a very humble plight, asking my pardon.

    4. Law.

    a. The legal status (as to currency, validity, extent, etc.) of an enactment, ruling, privilege, etc. Obs.

    1540 Act 32 Hen. VIII c. 16 §11 The same proclamacion shal abide, be, and remain in the same plight and strength that it is, and as if this acte had neuer bene made. 1576 W. LAMBARD Perambulation Kent 214 As touching this priuilege.., althoughe it continue not altogether in the same plight, yet some shadowe thereof remaineth euen to this daye. 1818 W. CRUISE Digest Laws (ed. 2) II. 443 The statute of uses executes the possession to the use, in the same plight as the use was limited.

    b. The legal status of a person. Obs.

    [a1481 tr. T. Littleton Tenures (1516) §306 III. iv. D iv b, Est en tiel plite sicomme il que auoit droit.] 1663 Act 15 Charles II c. 6 §7 Whether Persons prohibited to preach by the said Act are in the same Plight as to Punishment, with Persons disabled by the said Act to preach. 1769 W. BLACKSTONE Comm. Laws Eng. IV. xxx. 392 The effect of falsifying, or reversing, an outlawry is that the party shall be in the same plight as if he had appeared upon the capias. 1785 J. J. POWELL Treat. upon Law of Mortgages 195 The puisne mortgagee should be restored, and put in the same plight, as if the statute had been still in force.

    5. Array, dress, or costume. Obs. rare.

    1590 SPENSER Faerie Queene III. xii. 8 Like as the sunburnt Indians do aray Their tawney bodies in their proudest plight. 1743 J. DAVIDSON tr. Virgil Æneid VII. 192 Three hundred of them stood shining and in full plight. 1821 J. BAILLIE Ld. John in Metrical Legends xii, In reveller's plight, he is bedight.

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