Hallo Leya,

willkommen in der Wunderwelt von „Miracle Whip“.
Durch tonnenweise Postings bei www.icompact.com bin ich auf das Zeug aufmerksam geworden. Dort wurde seit Oktober von den Segnungen von Miracle Whip Masken berichtet; und irgendwann war dann auch die Zeit für mich reif – durch die ständige Gehirnwäsche MUSSTE ich das einfach auch mal probieren.
Also seit 6 Wochen schmiere ich mir jeden Abend einen Teelöffel (ca. 2 Drittel voll) von Kraft’s „Miracle Whip“ (genau, das Zeug für den Salat) in dünner Schicht ins Gesicht, die Augenparite bleibt natürlich frei. Das Ganze lasse ich ca. 20 Minnten einwirken und rubble dann mit trockenen (ganz wichtig!) Fingern über’s Gesicht, so das sich lauter „Ribbels“ lösen. Dann gründlich mit Waschgel nachreinigen (die Haut fühlt sich sehr fettig an), meine normale Nachtcreme drauf und fertig.
Ich bin derzeit überaus zufrieden mit meiner Haut und habe vor, das Ganze noch einige Zeit fortzusetzen.

Irgendwann soll dann die Haut komplett „rundumerneuert“ und nahezu perfekt sein.

Ich hab dir hier mal eins der zahlreichen Postings reinkopiert:

Janni Member Member # 2223 posted January 13, 2002 01:00 PM Since the last week of June, 2001, I've been using the best skin exfoliating/conditioning treatment I've ever found: Kraft MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing! Yes, salad dressing. I found it in an old household tips book. Here's what you do: Clip back your hair, & smear a thin coat of Miracle Whip (regular, in the Easy Squeeze bottle is handiest) over your face & neck, & don't be afraid to go close to your eyelashes. The fumes (vinegar) may bother eyes a little, for a few seconds, then subside. WALK AROUND for a minute right after you apply, to “walk away” from the fumes. Avoid "holing up" in a small room. Leave it for 10 - 20 minutes without touching, then begin to massage. (Some prefer to start massaging sooner, others later.) Keep water away from it during your massage. The dead skin cells will roll into rubbery, little balls. After you've massaged away all the dead skin, rinse with tepid water, cleanse as usual, & apply a nice moisturizer evenly & sparingly. I used to use Olay Total Effects, it was nice, but have switched to Estee Lauder's Idealist, my daughter uses Idealist for daytime, and Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair at bedtime, another friend swears by Mary Kay. Use whatever you like. Our newly revealed skin feels like a newborn baby's butt. I used twice daily for 6 weeks, others use once a day, or every other day with great success. Read your skin! Old, dull, dead skin layers & embedded impurities will be completely removed within 6 to 8 weeks. This is a process, so the time differs, depending on the age & condition of skin. Improvement usually begins immediately, but the entire process can take 6 or 8 weeks. My skin has done a complete 180 degree turnaround. FABULOUS! Many others too! What to expect:*Most people experience a slight “sunburn” effect sometime during the first 2 weeks of use. Don't panic. It's not harmful, it will pass, usually within an hour or less. Slather on aloe vera gel, unless you're alergic. Treat it like a sunburn, even though it's really not. Your skin will quickly adjust to the new treatment, and the inflamation will stop occuring. A few never experience it at all. *Most people also experience some dry/flaky patches during the first month of usage. Use a granular scrub and/or washcloth to hasten exfoliation. One user likes to use glycolic acid on alternate days. I found that vitamin e fluid mixed with a little moisturizer, morning and night, stops flakes. This stage passes, too. But it can take 3 or 4 weeks. *Some zits, lying dormant under layers of dead skin, may surface. In our experience they do not come to a head, but appear as "bumps" that resolve on their own within 3 days to a week, & disappear, leaving no redness or scar. DO NOT PICK/ SQUEEZE! Severe cystic acne is probably not a good candidate for this treatment. *In our experience, old scars are vastly improved within a month or two. *Overall skin texture becomes finer, smoother, firmer, even colored, & sliky-soft, plus oil production becomes normal within 6 to 8 weeks. After that, you can cut your usage in half, and the skin just keeps getting better. GOOD LUCK! -Janni Posts: 407 | From: Minneapolis, MN, US | Registered: Aug 2001 | IP: Logged