Hallo zusammen!

Jaja, das Brush-Set...*seufz* Die Verfügbarkeitscheint doch ein weitaus größeres Problem zu sein, als bisher angenommen
Beautyspy hat es nicht, werden es wohl auch nicht bestellen und bisher hab ich auch noch keine gegenteilige Information.
Dasselbe bei Schnitzler
Auch eine Anfrage bei SpaceNK hat mich nicht weitergebracht:

Dear Ms. XY,

Thank you very much for your email regarding Becca, unfortunately we do not carry the brush set at SPACE.NK, we only sell the brushes individually. As we are the only current distributors of Becca in the UK I am not sure where else this product could be purchased from, I would be more than happy to look into this for you with Becca if that would be of help, alternatively if you wanted to contact them directly they maybe able to assist by putting you in contact with another stockist.

I am sorry that we cannot be of help with regards to this specific request but if I can be of assistance with any other queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

With my many thanks,
Yours sincerely,

Tja, Mädels, das wars.
Noch jemand Ideen?

Liebe Grüße