
ich habe einen account gemacht doch der ist unverified. Muß ich daß expandent use program starten?

Hier mal nen auszug

Enroll in PayPal's Expanded Use Program

PayPal offers an Expanded Use option to help you get the most out of your PayPal account. Just complete our easy enrollment process to enjoy these Expanded Use benefits:

No Account Sending Limit - send unlimited funds from your PayPal account.

No Withdrawal Limit - withdraw unlimited funds from your PayPal account.

How to Enroll in the Expanded Use Program
You're just three steps away from the freedom of Expanded Use:

Step 1:
Authorize PayPal to charge a $1.95 USD Expanded Use Fee to your card. (You will receive a $1.95 USD bonus in your PayPal account after you complete enrollment.)

Step 2:
On your next credit card statement, find the 4-digit Expanded Use Number that will be printed in the item description section of the charge.

Step 3:
Log in to your PayPal account, click the Complete Expanded Use Enrollment link on your Account Overview, and enter your Expanded Use Number.

When you enter your Expanded Use Number, your enrollment will be complete. You'll have access to unlimited sending and withdrawals, and you will become a Verified Member of PayPal!

Click Get Number to authorize PayPal to charge $1.95 USD to your credit card ending in ...