Hallo Ihr,

habe gerade ganz entzückt bei "now smell this" gelesen, dass es bald einen neuen Hermes Duft von Jean-Claude Ellena geben wird. Er heisst Un Jardin après la Mousson (ein Garten nach dem Monsun) und soll vorraussichtlich zu Beginn der Monsunzeit in Indien im Mai rauskommen.

"For the third fragrance in the Jardins series, Jean-Claude Ellena, Hermès' in-house perfumer, traveled to Kerala, in southwestern India, where he was inspired by nature's revival following the region's annual rainy season. The global introduction of the uni*** scent, which features vegetal, floral and spicy notes, will coincide with the beginning of the monsoon period in Kerala.

[...] For Un Jardin après la Mousson, Ellena wanted to capture an unexpected aspect of India, so he visited Kerala several weeks after the long-awaited monsoon rains ended when nature had started to spring back to life. Though Kerala is a region renowned for its spices, Ellena eschewed hot spicy notes in favor of cooler vegetable notes such as cardamom, coriander, pepper, ginger and ginger flower. He also included a vetiver accord of his own creation."

Hot spicy notes plus cooler vegetable notes, das klingt ja sehr nach etwas, was mir gefallen könnte, ist Mai nicht der nächste Monat nach Februar ?

Liebe Grüsse