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Thema: Reading Challenge 2022

  1. #1
    Registriert seit

    Standard Reading Challenge 2022

    Hat jemand Lust?

    1. A book published in 2022

    2. A book set on a plane, train, or cruise ship

    3. A book about or set in a nonpatriarchal society

    4. A book with a tiger on the cover or "tiger" in the title

    5. A sapphic book

    6. A book by a Latinx author

    7. A book with an onomatopoeia in its title

    8. A book with a protagonist who uses a mobility aid

    9. A book about a "found family"

    10. An Anisfield-Wolf Book Award Winner

    11. A BookTok Recommendation

    12. A book about the afterlife

    13. A book set in the 1980s

    14. A book with cutlery on the cover or in the title

    15. A book by a Pacific Islander author

    16. A book About Witches

    17. A book becoming a TV series or movie in 2022

    18. A romance novel by a BIPOC author

    19. A book that takes place during your favorite season

    20. A book whose title begins with the last letter of your previous read

    21. A book about a band or musical group

    22. A book with a character on the ace spectrum

    23. A book with a recipe in it

    24. A book you can read in one sitting

    25. A book about a secret

    26. A book with a misleading title

    27. A Hugo Award winner

    28. A book set during a holiday

    29. A book by an author you read in 2021

    30. A book with the name of a board game in the title

    31. A book featuring a man-made disaster

    32. A book with a quote from your favorite author on the cover or Amazon page

    33. A social-horror book

    34. A book set in Victorian times

    35. A book with a consellation on the cover or in the title

    36. A book you know nothing about

    37. A book about gender identity

    38. A book featuring a party

    39. An Own Voices SFF (Sci Fi & Fantasy) book

    40. A book that fulfills your favorite prompt from a past PRC

    41. A book with a refected image on the cover or "mirror" in the title

    42. A book that features two languages

    43. A book with a palindromic title

    44. A duology (1)

    45. A duology (2)

    46. A book about someone leading a double life

    47. A book featuring a parallel reality

    48. A book with two POVs

    49. Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (1)

    50. Two books set in twin towns, aka "sister cities" (2)
    Die Dummheit hat aufgehört, sich zu schämen.

  2. #2
    Registriert seit
    Warum nicht auf deutsch?
    Ich glaube, dass geistiger Fortschritt an einem gewissen Punkt von uns verlangt, dass wir aufhören, unsere Mitlebewesen zur Befriedigung unserer körperlichen Verlangen zu töten. (Gandhi)

  3. #3
    Registriert seit
    Zitat Zitat von trixie Beitrag anzeigen
    Warum nicht auf deutsch?
    Ich kenne keine deutsche Challenge, wenn du eine kennst, darfst du sie natürlich gerne posten.
    Oder soll ich diese hier übersetzen? Das kann ich gerne machen.
    Die Dummheit hat aufgehört, sich zu schämen.

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